Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Nursery Project #1

The very first thing I had the inspiration for this baby's nursery was a Mobile!  There are so many awesome ways you can DIY a nursery.  I of course immediately went to Pinterest to see what others had come up with before me.
The one thing I really wanted to focus on for our baby's mobile, is the baby's Point-of-View and that being interesting!  So many mobiles that you see these days are interesting from the angle of the adult standing next to it, but not the child laying beneath it.
Like this:

What does baby see...?  A ring of slivers of paper!  While the adult gets to see the gradient colors and the round shapes.

So our mobile ended up more like this:

Baby gets to see fun Spiral shapes as they float around and spin in the air.

And the adults get to see the colorful paper too.
It's a win-win, and I can't wait to hang it above a crib or Changing station for baby's endless amusement!

(I also can't wait to find out if "baby" is a "he" or a "she" because man, it's hard to use pronouns when you plain old don't know what pronoun to use!!)

Thursday, August 21, 2014


OK, I've been MIA for way too long.  I have no guarantees that I won't go MIA again... but for now, I have some news, that most of you already know.  It's not an Excuse per-say, as to why I haven't been here, but it's most of the reason.  Many of the projects and activities in our lives lately, that I would normally blog about, revolve around one very key element of our lives that's been a secret up until a week or so ago....

Yup, our Brody is gonna be a big Brother!!!