Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am currently at my parents' house on the Cape with my boyfriend, parents, brother, and 9 members of Dad's side of my family. We are all looking forward to a day of cooking and playing with the younger cousins. We anticipate being hungry before the actual Thanksgiving meal is ready, and later regretting having eaten anything other than the amazing meal that my parents have planned for us. Then as the day turns into night we will be enjoying some wonderful Jets Football and, as mentioned in a previous post, Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Today is a day to be Thankful for all of the wonderful people in your life, to stop and smell the crisp cool air indicative of this time of year, and to stuff your face as if you'll never eat again!!

I wish you all a well-accompanied, cool and clear sky, gut-bustin' Thanksgiving!!

(Photo Courtesy of Google Images)

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